Friday, October 1, 2010

"Will the Win Endure"

On August the 21  2010, Ralph Peters posted an editorial about the U.S. winning the war in Iraq and most of our soldiers returning home. Ralph Peters served in the US Army both as an enlisted man and officer for over twenty years, has written twenty-four books, and has been with the New York Post for about eight years. Because of Peter’s strategic experiences and dealings in seventy countries, one may tend to side with him and his article, “Will the Win Endure”, as it talks about Peter’s opinion of what will happen now that “President Obama has disengaged just when we need personal involvement at the highest level”. Peters seems to be afraid that all of our successes in Iraq such as “a major Arab democracy, and defeating a horrific dictator along with Al Qaeda”, might “go south”. “Iraqis have begged us to help them. They've pleaded with this administration to stay in the ring and referee their pols. They desperately want us to keep some token troop presence beyond New Year's Eve, 2011”. But with President Obama’s recent change in focus the Iraqis could believe that we have given up on them, and the effect of this could be the Iraqis giving up on themselves. “We're so close . . . it would be unforgivable to fail for want of a little high-level attention to Baghdad.”

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