Friday, October 15, 2010

Memo to President

In John Aravosis’s blog, “Memo to the President: No one is asking you to be Superman”, he expresses the some of the nations’ lack of trust in President Obama’s ability to govern. He states that while no one expects the president to be Superman, supporters would like to feel Obama is at least trying to do his job and keep up with promises made during election campaigns. Instead, Aravosis believes Obama “prefers to avoid what he considers "controversial" issues all together”, leaving some doubt of whether or not Obama realizes the full extent of his job as our nation’s leader.
According to Aravosis, Obama supporters contend that this president prefers to work behind the scenes, taking his time while contemplating the nation’s biggest problems with little wasted emotion. This kind of leadership became evident in the initial downplay of the BP oil spill disaster. Our country expects its leaders to lead and “show [their faces] when a crisis arises”.
Aravosis further accuses the President of not “[grabbing] onto an issue like a dog with a bone, tenaciously working it until you get the best deal possible, even if all your hard work goes on under the radar, behind the scenes.” He further notes Obama prefers to make a public statement about his goals and then sit back “until things are ready to fall apart”. Aravosis makes reference of this action on Obama’s health care reform, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, immigration, as well as lots of other campaigned issues. Aravosis believes the President sits back and lets his staff and Congress work on the issues until the last minute, and then take credit for the deal, only if the outcome turns out favorable.
Aravosis bring up some good arguements when he states the different topics that President Obama has yet to work on, keeping in mind that all he seems to be doing is taking the credit.
I agree with everything Aravosis is saying which is sad because I will soon be voting in my first presidential election and I have little trust in its (Presidents) office as of now.

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