Friday, December 10, 2010

Airline Security has Crossed the Line

After reading my classmate Alan's  blog I am now nerves to go fly somewhere. I can’t imagine going through such an intense security check point that I come out crying. I agree with Alan’s opinion that TSA has really gone too far and that they should be cut because they haven’t helped with airport security at all. I agree with the Allied Pilots Association that airport security has become more of sexual molestation than a safety measure. While reading what Alan wrote about the 61 year old man named Tom Sawyer my heart broke for the man. I cannot believe that airport security would humiliate a man so much and then not even listen to the health issues that he has. That is just ridiculous and makes me not even want to fly anywhere because a trip some place is not worth being gate raped. I think that Alan’s idea of having people with licenses to carry guns ride on board the plane is the way to move to stop terrorism. Besides Alan’s right, whenever a terrorist was caught it was on the plane, not a security check points.

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