Tuesday, November 30, 2010


          If you have read about the recent leaking of hundreds of classified military documents then you are probably just as disturbed as I am. What concerned me the most was that the article posted on CNN stated that earlier this year there was a first batch of documents leaked but it seems like the military has waited until this recent incident to take any action. What worried me even more is that Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, stated that “it is now much more difficult for someone to get access and move information outside of authorized channels”. This bothers me because there’s still a good chance that this could happen again, and this time the wrong person could gain access. Not only is there a chance that someone else could gain access again but Whitman also said that the technical solution they put into place was temporary. I personally think it’s a good idea to have our troops on the front lines able to access these documents that might be vital to their survival, but I think there should only be two people within each sector that can access them. This would further help prevent another solider from doing what Bradley Manning did. I do however like the steps that the Defense Department is taking. Such has restricting the number of systems where data can be moved from a classified computer to an unclassified computer and it also takes two people to move data. I hope that the department keeps adding more restrictions and restraints on gaining access to extremely important documents.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Marijuana should be legal

In my classmate Noree’s blog, “Marijuana Should be Legal Across the U.S.”, she talks about how an author names Sal Rosano thinks that marijuana should be banned across the nation due to abusiveness and potential hazard. I personally agree with Noree’s opinions about this topic. She states that no matter what law enforcement does or doesn’t legalize adolescences will still have illegal ways to obtain the drug. She goes on to state the she believes marijuana should be legalized but only for patients who have been approved because of medical reasons. I have to disagree with Noree on this topic. I believe that it should be legal nationwide for many reasons, one being that there has never been any proof the marijuana has harmed anybody in any form. Why should we allow people to smoke something that we KNOW for a fact will eventually kill them, yet we make something perfectly natural and safe illegal. I’m sorry but how in the world is that logical at all. Other than that I agree with Noree’s facts and opinions on the matter and she makes a good argument has to why marijuana should be legalized.