Friday, September 17, 2010

Chilean Minors

I have never been interested in politics or any kind of governement really. When i read or hear about what politicians are doing or even thinking about doing it usually pisses me off and makes me wonder what the H*** they're thinking. I really cant understand why everybody gets all worked up over parties, i think that there shouldn't be parties and that politicians should have to relay on just their beliefs. So after that rambling i found an articla that has nothing to do with politics but does make me thankfully that these men will be safe.

Chilean miners who have been trapped 2,300 feet underground since August 5th are getting even closer to being rescued. Workers have already made 12 inch bore holes which are being used to drop down food and other necessities. Workers just need to widen the latest hole inorder to lift the minors out. Officials are hoping to get them out with in the next 6 weeks.